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Esther Ch. 5 – Innocent As A Dove, Shrewd As A Serpent
Read: Esther 5:1-7 I Thought We’d Start With A Light Salad, And Then See How We Feel After That *This post features a personal story from...
Esther Ch. 4 – Killing Hadassah, Crowning Esther
*this post features a personal story from one of our elders* Read : Esther 3-4 This week’s text makes us wonder why Esther and Mordecai...
Esther Ch. 3 – Virgins, Eunuchs, Concubines
Esther 2:1-23 Not Disney Approved There are many different opinions out there about whether Esther was a godly woman or a compromiser of...
Philippians – Trust Your Identity in Christ
Paul finishes his letter to his friends in Philippi with one more encouragement to live the gospel life. The letter contains Paul’s...
Philippians – A Proper Relationship with Opposition
In chapter 3 Paul reflects on his Christian transformation. Paul demonstrates the contrast between his pre-Christian self and his faith...
Philippians – Working Out Your Salvation in Community
This week we continue our journey through the book of Philippians. Having drawn the church’s attention to the example of Christ, Paul...
January 11th & 12th, 2014
Paul celebrates his partnership with the Philippian church in the proliferation of the gospel. As an apostle of Jesus Christ, Paul’s role...
January 10th, 2014
Philippians is a friendly letter. Paul has great fondness for the people of Philippi, and he has great admiration for their enduring...
January 9th, 2014
Philippi was a significant city in the history of the Roman Empire. Two major battles occurred in the nearby plain: 42BCE when Octavian...