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December 1st, 2013




Scripture: Genesis 1 & 2; Psalm 139

It rains so often here on the West Coast of Canada in winter that when the sun breaks through it is always invigorating.

The Story of Creation begins with these words: ” ‘Let there be light’; and there was light.”  Today, as I think about the way sun breaks through the greyness of our West Coast winter, I can better appreciate the startling revelation light was in that moment.  For here during this sodden season, a day of sunshine infuses me with hope.  Despite the fact that my circumstances are much the same as they were when the rain dripped from the eaves, I find myself wanting to engage the day differently and be present to those around me in a kinder way.

I wonder if the story of creation is intended to be this kind of gift to me as I live my life.  Shouldn’t the story of light pushing back the darkness bring confidence to me by reminding me that my Creator can certainly push back the darkness in my heart?  If this is true then when Jesus declares me to ‘the light of the world’  in Matthew 5:14 it is of the same quality, capable of penetrating the darkness. On days full of sunshine, I can believe it more easily.  On darker days it takes me some effort to accept the truth.

I am reminded of Psalm 139 and the way the Psalmist plays with some of these same images, wondering about the magnificence of a God who creates, who knows.  In a sense the writer asks, ‘what do I do with this intentionality, with God’s pervasive presence in this world?’  God’s presence after all doesn’t make everything easy or happy.  In fact, the tone used by the author of the Psalm implies that this presence is powerfully overwhelming.  But at the same time it also conveys a certainty and a confidence in that presence – the God of Creation.  This enables the Psalmist to open up and say ‘search me O God and know my heart’.

On this first day of Advent may we open our hearts to God the Creator and to his creative work in our hearts in this Advent Season.

Lord Jesus, as we turn toward Christmas, turn our hearts toward you. Amen

If you  have a few minutes this rendition of Psalm 139 by the Sons of Korah is like waking up to a sunshine filled day.

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